Why Did Peter Sink?
Why Did Peter Sink?
The Inversions: Introduction

The Inversions: Introduction

There is a reason that the Christian message and the bible have such staying power. There is a reason why the books of Moses are so radical and different from all other texts. There is a reason why the tradition of the people of Abraham is so strange to outsiders, and even angering, and why it makes perfect sense to insiders. Most importantly, there is a reason why everyone cannot stop talking about Jesus.

There is a reason why and it is this: the message of Christianity tips everything we think we know upside down.

But it is actually right-side-up.

The bible is full of inversions that disrupt our assumptions. Rather, it is a series of inversions, one after another. An unfolding of paradoxes and mysteries reveals how and why these inversions matter, including when and where and by whom. Some of the inversions will upset us, while others we may accept without bother. We will have certain inversions that rankle us more than others, and those are the best inversions to meditate upon.

The books of Moses invert the teachings and worldviews of the old Sumerian, Greek, Persian, Hindu, and Roman thinking. The books of the prophets continue the inversions. Christ completes it. But this is not only applicable to the ancient world. It is equally relevant now, or even more so, as a flip to the old ways seems to be happening.

For a long time, we understood the inversions and assumed these ideas were common sense, but as familiarity breeds contempt, we took standing on our feet for granted. But for about five hundred years now, we have been gradually reverting to standing on our heads. To get right-side up again, we only need to consider the inversions again, with fresh eyes. The old language may feel difficult to understand, too time-consuming, too distant in the past; but none of that is really true. If we make even the slightest effort to read the bible, we can see these inversions playing out clearly in our own lives. Further, we can observe these inversions right now in our institutions, assumptions, societies, and families.

The language of the old books may seem difficult, but with a small effort, it can be understood. Many cast out the book without serious review, calling the writings “Bronze Age myths.” The implication here is that those of us who own smartphones are surely more rich in wisdom than the old shepherds of the Middle East. But this is close-minded. The wisdom of the old books goes deep into the heart, and that is a place where we often do not wish to look. Yet if we are open-minded, we will do just that. Modern ideas may have muddied the water, but it can be made clear again with patience, if we simply stop thrashing about and let the words speak.

The reason Jewish, Islamic, or Catholic thought either makes total sense to you or looks completely upside down depends on whether you are standing on your feet or your head. And even if you are standing on your feet, the eyes and ears can still fool you into hearing what you want to hear, and seeing what you want to see. But the real benefit of coming to recognize these inversions is not about being right or wrong, it is about sanity. We speak constantly of mental health. If you live in this world and you sense that there is something “off about it,” then you are likely sensing that something is upside-down. And there is a reason why the message of Christ calls people from every generation - it is because people always sense the upside-down and wish to be right-side-up. In the end, every person chooses whether to stand on their feet or their head. Some come to recognize these inversions and afterward can never again view the world the same. They have a secret that nothing can touch.

No matter your genetics, culture, or experience, you can benefit by pausing to consider the inversions presented by the Jewish and Christian traditions. You have nothing to lose in doing so, and perhaps much to gain.

As for me in writing this, I pray that I lead no one astray, but only present that which can help unfold the wonders of this confusing book and worldview. I am not qualified to write this. I have no abbreviations to add after my name, no prior published works to present, and no status as a great thinker. I’m an IT troubleshooter, a hack writer, and often a maker of poor decisions. I admit these shortcomings to make a point: if I can see these inversions, so can anyone else. From here, I proceed with fear and trembling that I may teach errors, but having been brought back to life, to keep this all to myself seems a bit selfish. I have to share it and I will pray for forgiveness if I mislead anyone. I hope to share these inversions with charity and love for all who read them. Most of all, because I can’t paint or sing all that well, I try to write.

When my kids were young, they would trace their hand and draw a picture to give to me as a gift, and I would cherish it because they made it out of love. So I write this for God. This is my scribbling way of thanking God for helping me find true north again. It’s not Dante or Michelangelo, but since God is a loving father, I offer this to him, along with all of myself - out of obedience, awe, gratitude, and trust - hoping that he might magnet it on his celestial refrigerator for a day or two.

So let us begin. With the many inversions ahead of us, there’s no time to dawdle. And time itself is where we must begin, because that is the initial inversion. This may be the most important inversion of all, but then every inversion is the most important. That is because they all go together. Individually, these inversions may seem odd, but together the inversions reveal a whole. If you come to understand what these inversions mean, there is a solid chance that you will not only be inverted to right-side-up, but you may be healed and made whole as well.


Why Did Peter Sink?
Why Did Peter Sink?
A story of fitness, recovery, and conversion.
It's not supposed to be cool.